Norsk hodepine


When Norway grants new oil licences in the Arctic Barents Sea in 22 years, youths of Greenpeace and a local environmentalist organization called Nature and Youth sue the government to nullify it based on the Constitution that recognizes everyone's right to a healthy environment. Norway exports crude oil that would emit carbon dioxide nine times the nation's total emissions. Pinpointing the Norwegian Paradox or rather Norwegian Hypocrisy that she wants to be a climate leader while relying on fossil fuel exports, this film follows the 4-year-long trial. While it's their duty to protect the constitutional rights, the government put more weight on practical economic benefits. Norway is suffering from this headache as the film title indicates, but the ache is not limited to that country only.
Rune Denstad LANGLO

Director Rune Denstad Langlo is in love with Norwegian nature. He wishes to do his favorite sport, skiing with his child for a long time. But sadly, the winter is now 25 days shorter and they can't ski near home any more. He may have started this film in his personal interest, but he hopes to give an insight into the criminal actions against future victims. He was born in Norway in 1972 and has produced (2009), (2013), (2014) and (2016).

8월 12일(금)
8월 14일(일)
BIFF HILL B1 Indie Plus